Chapter 313: The Scourge of Liches: The Gluttony

Chaos enshrouded Andrey Academy.

In just one day, the roars from within the Executive Committee could have made an opera of screams.

"All Executors! Mobilize! Those bastards are no longer our comrades! They are locusts! A bunch of damn son of bitches! I want to see them drenched in blood! I want to see their flesh flayed! Attack the Hungry Impostors without discrimination!"

In one day, a new law was born.

The "Hungry Impostor Restriction Law," and indeed, the articles of this code of law were visibly growing.

Article One.

Eating the buildings' walls and soil of Andrey is prohibited, they are not tasty!

The Liches, who had regained their sense of hunger, experienced an initial euphoria which soon turned into an addiction-like pleasure that flooded their minds and dominated their bodies.

Eat, keep eating, food! Everything!