Chapter 371 The Claw of Vilimlo

"What is the Hellfire Invitation Race?" Lyle pondered, cradling his forehead.

I'm the president of the Necromancer Figure Club, aren't I? How come my club is having an exhibition match with the Demon Race without me knowing!

"Hold on, the name Hellfire... I seem to recall Shiny and the others mentioning it..." The Hellfire Speed Race, isn't that the Spine Wheel race that only recently became popular among the Demon Race...

That being the case, it's understandable for the Necromancer Figure Club to hold an exhibition match with the Black Abyssal Demons, but other than the race vehicles for the Spine Wheel, what extra support could the Necromancer Figure Club possibly provide?

Confusion was like a cork blocking Lyle's brain, as questions bore down on his relaxed mind. Lyle was oblivious, but as the club president, he certainly needed to find the relevant people to understand the situation properly.

"Let's go, Nia!"