Chapter 376: A Joyful Encounter

Andrey's eagerly anticipated City of Wandering clan supremacy competition had finally arrived. After three days of continuous reorganization, the teleportation circle on the green fields of Andrey opened once again. Andrey's people, already prepared, assembled their teams, donned their disguises, stood tall and proud, each sporting an expectant smile on their skin.

Except for Mister Faceless, as Andrey's Teleportation Gate Mage, his workload had increased several times over.

"If the City of Wandering runs off into the void, I'll just kill you bunch of bastards." After casting the Liches' traditional skill, Curse, Faceless flipped through the pages of his book, and the purple teleportation gate that led to the City of Wandering opened again.

The Dean stood at the forefront, lifting his staff, and with high spirits, he pointed towards the gate where the scenery was becoming gradually clearer.

"Andrey! Let them see who truly speaks for death! Who is... the ultimate evil!"