Chapter 422 Fall Down

The sole shadow amidst the light was as conspicuous as an ink spot on a white cloth, making it detestable.

The competitors who observed that shadow all opted for a silent disregard. Whether it was Lyle's identity as Andrey or the terrifying illusion woven in Hell, it left them chilly.

However, the subtle alienation of the surrounding crowd failed to capture Lyle's attention; he closed his eyes, feeling the shadows hidden in his mind crawling through the world. Those dark magical claws were neither entirely real nor imaginary, and Lyle found it hard to determine whether those magic shadows truly existed or were just illusory, a deception. Regardless of the existence of these shadows in the real world, the Power of the Evil God was indeed guiding his way.

"If this place is really modeled after the Land of Souls..." then there would be no boundaries, for the Land of Souls is the minds of billions of beings, an endless world constructed from their thoughts.