Easter Egg Chapter: The Healing Shadow_2

"Today is all about you, Veraliz. The purpose of a birthday is to celebrate our survival in this world for another year, a tribute to and appreciation of our lives. Our people, feeling our joy, will surely be comforted. We cannot always dwell in the past."

"Well, it's rare to have a day off," the kitty obediently lay in her arms, "have you arranged everything?"

"Failproof, my lady."

Veraliz's mind overlaid images at the sound of that voice. It was under this gentle tone that her once panicked self-felt reassured. The slight bobbing motion of her footsteps quickly comforted the little cat, who comfortably narrowed her eyes.

Soon, a tingling sense of comfort woke the sleeping black cat, and Veraliz found herself in a small store, placed on a plush velvet pillow, with a pair of large hands pressing on her back. With a relaxing ease quickly enveloping her body, she felt a foreign touch that made her bristle, her silky fur standing up like needles.