Chapter 485 Hamlet Clan Magic

"Plague Messenger."

"Gravity·Vacuum Field."

Celestial bodies revolved as Nameless poured his body into the air, and the entire simulated galaxy reversed along with him. The simulated celestial bodies, now transformed into massive hammers, fell from the sky one after another, bombarding Serio like a barrage.

"Flesh bursts in full bloom." The tentacles accelerated their growth, the eye-bearing tips cracked open, branching out into numerous offshoots that formed a dense flesh-and-blood forest, cradling the celestial spheres and beginning to touch the galaxy. The tentacles swayed freely in the vacuum like schools of fish, their swift movements even faster than in water.

"God, who resides above all." The gravitational pull had no effect on the wriggling tentacles.

After having his midsection penetrated by tentacles, Nameless retracted the simulated galaxy.

The wound, which had no effect on the body of the Liches, looked terrifying, but one mistake was enough.