Chapter 500: Already in the Palm of Your Hand

Lyle seemed to have heard Helena's strange confession, although it sounded more like a powerful queen's declaration of ownership over a colony. No, Helena was probably saying this on purpose, wanting to spark Lyle's curiosity and interest. Because the urge to verify would surely make Lyle bluntly ask her what she meant.

"Oh, does little Lyle care so much about what I think of him? Your face is all red, how cute~" Such teasing was typical of Helena, a woman with a bad taste for mischief.

All these were images Ominous conjured up in Lyle's mind, but in reality...

"I wouldn't mind giving you a performance like you imagine, Lyle~" Helena's voice rose right at Lyle's ear, her cold breath making his hair stand on end.

Alianna was like still water, a girl with her own wonderful world, willing to share with you the beauty she found, to embrace and sleep under the beautiful moonlight.