They must have eavesdropped.

The floating candelabrum flared to life before her eyes, emitting a sweet scent as the pale yellow candles melted. The aroma of the incense turned into a stimulating bitterness in her nostrils as Lyle touched the floor with her toes, the Specter Maid already dressed in her evening gown.

They seemed quite excited, their speed betraying their eagerness as they removed the mirror that had reflected a transformed Lyle. The maids stood silently to the side, forming a corridor that led to the dining room. Nia squeezed herself into Lyle's pant leg through a gap in the specter, always punctual at dinner time.

Tonight Naslan's splendor was resplendent with gold, and aside from the guiding candlelight, those splotchy candelabra were all replaced by crystal lamps. The beautiful metal faces of the Alchemical Lamps made the bright light seem very expensive.