Chapter 519 First Contact

Jack's voice was quite childish, sounding like that of a teenager going through puberty, transitioning from a higher pitch to a deeper tone, where the concept of gender was vague. Jack's voice was the second most juvenile sound Lyle had heard in this world, the first being Nia's soft, childish voice, which was even richer than that of the Light Bat Grapes.

Such a voice could arouse the protective desire and enthusiasm of older people, and it was clear that someone in the headset had already imagined themselves in that role.

"Jack, will you be my brother, or sister?" Lyle tried to express his excitement quickly, as Snowball was rubbing its little paws on his knees, creating an itchy sensation.

"Gender? As of now, I haven't uploaded a related personality, so I am temporarily genderless, or both genders."