Chapter 532: File Update

Mr. Cabbage was an old Light Bat loyal to the Andrei Academy, and the passage of time had eroded the youthful zeal he once had for his repetitive illumination work. No longer obsessed with elevating his inner life through life sciences, nor with the idea of seeking out fresh ingredients to satisfy his cravings, his daily duties were monotonous and repetitive. Sleeping had become his only habit. It was only because of his own bat-like advantages that a lazy creature like him could survive in Andrei at all. His light was so bright it could almost ignite the entire room's golden treasures; it was like a tiny sun embedded in a jewel-studded lampstand. Another thing, Mr. Dean actually had a bit of a hard time with the incessant chatter of young people.

Mr. Cabbage turned over in his silk lampshade, glanced down at the scene in the dean's office, and then closed his heavy eyelids. Today's dean's office was still a carbon copy of yesterday's.