Chapter 606: Dragon Style Education

It was precisely three days later, in the dead of night, when the Dragon Priest brought back five dragon eggs to the Giant Dragon's nest. Their reason was surprisingly the same: the eggs were about to hatch, and they were now like increasingly violently ticking clocks. Everyone watched over them for the entire night, witnessing small bulges emerge on the shell's surface followed by cracks, out of which slimy bodies appeared. As the dawn sunlight rose, the young dragons covered in a bit of mucus let out their roars.

The Red Dragon Imelt was the first to emerge, bursting her little head out of the shell and hopping around the nest, bumping into her sibling. Alcalon emerged from his hard shell under such provocation and let out his first roar at his sister.

"RUA!" The young dragon's voice was tender, and its tantrum seemed adorable.