Chapter 616: The Red Dragon's Plea

On the borderlands of Hamlet County, facing the cliff upon which the castle was situated, lay a gentle hill that housed a courtyard, decadent amidst its once luxurious past. This ancient structure belonging to the Hamlet family was once their summer retreat. A thick fog wound through it, throwing a light-obscuring veil over the courtyard.

Countess Meglu Hamlet now resided here.

Its former glory had long since cooled, leaving nothing but broken stone sculptures and a stench of rotting earth. A faint hint of blood lingered within the moisture of the air, and Lyle felt as if he saw scarlet hues in the mist.

Kevin brought only a few henchmen and Lyle, as if this meeting was nothing more than a friendly negotiation. They followed Kevin in silence, their vision restricted to no more than five meters by the dense fog. They had to rely solely on Kevin's intuition to navigate.