The azure sky was dotted with clouds as plump as accumulated snow, torn asunder by the wild and sudden winds like mischievous garden fairies. They laughed and sneered at the attempts of the slow-moving cloudbanks to regather, then began their second onslaught of torment.
The winds here were biting, the dominion of Lord Southwind always filled with the annoying buzz of wind elementals, busy as bees.
Baron of the Garden despised these capricious wind elementals, as well as their pompous Elemental Lord. Wind elementals were nothing but large swirls filled with Elemental Power, their cores relatively calm while their surfaces were as sharp as blade-edged currents. Between these currents, occasional sparks of electricity leapt, and the Baron of the Garden was all too familiar with the feeling of being pricked by a needle hidden in cotton when punching them.
Overall, wind elementals were a most irksome type of Elemental Creature.