Chapter 642: Dream Forest Permit GET

Slender fingers traced the grooves in the stone slab, while the dancing shadows of swaying trees played over the words. At the height of the finger's touch, roots that had crept up from the soil and twisted around the engraving bloomed with small white flowers. The blossoming flowers brought a smile to the woman's face, and she turned and patted the cradle-like branch she was sitting on, speaking to the tree behind her.

Only from a distance could one observe the entirety of that strange ancient tree, whose roots did not delve deep into the earth, but rather ended in droplet shapes, gathering in multitude to form two massive clusters that supported the lofty tree. From the bifurcated root system sprouted thick boughs covered in a sage-green bark, with two especially slender main branches that extended vine-like to the ground, one cradling an elf. At the crown, several caterpillar-like ridges with distinct patterns formed a blurry human face.