Chapter 145 The Person Who Died

The second floor corner also boasts a spacious room, though it's not a bedroom—it's more like a grand hall.

The room has wooden flooring, floor-to-ceiling windows draped with dark red curtains, tall bookcases reaching up to the ceiling lining the walls, and a hefty grand piano situated right in the middle.

The female writer surveyed the room, pulling several books off the shelf at random to flick through.

Nearly every book had the same signature on its title page and end page, similar to the one on her manuscript pages, but the author names on the books varied.

It must be that the writer liked to take notes in the books after reading them.

The books with signed end pages seemed to be frequently handled, with bookmarks tucked inside, some passages highlighted, and annotations in the margins.

She was a writer constantly absorbing knowledge and Inspiration.

The female writer replaced the books and turned towards the grand piano standing in the center.