Chapter 428: The Knight Defeats the Evil Dragon

The Traveling Poet was startled by the sound.

All he did was give it a light push—not even using much strength, but the two doors burst open as if they were hit by a torrential beast!

The Traveling Poet couldn't help but suspect that this was one of the Witch's tricks, as in Alex's memories, these sorts of pranks were common during his time in the Castle, which made him increasingly jittery and fearful.

Indeed, instead of developing a stronger heart, Alex had become more and more sensitive.

The only unwavering thing was his relentless belief in his need to escape.

"Persistently haunting thing!"

The Traveling Poet looked towards the source of the voice and his pupils shrank slightly when he saw the sight within the palace.

Steward Armand Ray seemed gone mad, the Abyss Darkness continually surging out from his body, and beside him, there was a girl shackled in an armchair, her breath faint.