Chapter 501: As Long As It Can Support_2

As her words fell, the tall and thin monster materialized behind her, its arms stretching like rubber and soaring into the air, wrapping around the mid-air red garbage can and slamming it down hard onto the ground.

The garbage can clattered noisily as it hit the ground.

Lily stepped forward and kicked it twice.

As the child was taking out her anger on the garbage can, suddenly, the red garbage bin tumbled and flew up again, hurtling straight towards the nearby Lily!



A tremendous force sent Lily, who had been possessed by a photographer, flying straight into the wall behind her, the tall and thin monster unable to react in time.

The other two children watched, agape.

"Why is that garbage can attacking us?"

"Exactly, we didn't even eat its food!"

The two children chattered, and the next moment, they saw the red garbage can flying up again, hurtling towards them!

Bang bang, two sounds.