Extra 12: "Chen Universe" (12)

Then the man, without a moment's hesitation, picked up the dropped materials and quickly retreated back into his wooden hut, where he sat on the floor and took several deep breaths before looking excitedly at the materials in his arms.

"That savage monster... doesn't seem so difficult to kill after all.

It has the body of a mortal, after all, and if its fatal spot is hit, it will die."

It was his first time killing someone, and he was a bit nervous with no strength to spare. Under the influence of blood, he lost his wits for a short while. If given another chance, he believed he would do much better. At least, he wouldn't keep hacking at savage monsters even after they were dead—that was truly a loss of wits.

A short rest later,

the man took a deep breath, picked up his axe once more, and peeked out of the hut towards the occasional roars coming from the darkness. Maybe it was time for him to start hunting those savage monsters proactively.