Standing to the side, Lord Miao spoke in an embarrassed whisper, "Maybe the kid's just tired from practicing his calligraphy, let him relax for a bit. All kids love to play; it's understandable."
"But has this little guy ever actually practiced his calligraphy?"
"He has..."
Lord Miao's confidence waned, his voice fading to a fly's murmur.
Chen Miao couldn't help but sigh once again and rubbed his temples in resignation without speaking. If you like swordplay so much, why didn't you choose a sword from the beginning?
Even if you were only a hundred days old at the time with not much capacity to think.
But you've grown up now, haven't you? Why not just get yourself a sword?
Waving that brush around all day long truly was disconcerting, making people's hearts flutter nervously, just like that Judge character.
However, it also made sense.