Chapter 117 There is No More Li Hao in the World (Guaranteed Combined Chapter)_5

Li Tian Gang said in a chilly voice, "Then what surname do you wish to take?"

Upon hearing this, Li Hao was momentarily lost in thought.

Yes, if not surnamed Li, then what would his own surname be?

More crucially, in his previous life, he had also borne the surname Li.

The heart that had until now been calm suddenly felt a wave of bitterness.

In his previous life, his parents died early. He had not expected that after traversing through a rebirth, even his own surname would not be preserved.

Though he was born into a prominent family, he ended up in such a plight, truly laughable.

He took a deep breath, and the frigid, icy air filled his lungs, which oddly brought him some comfort.

He regained his composure and said, "What surname I take has nothing to do with you. In any case, I will no longer bear the Li surname. From now on, I have nothing to do with the Li Family!"

"Do you think by saying that you can sever your ties with the Li Family?"