Chapter 25 Kavensis, who is carrying twins...

What a duel of honor!

Kavensis had a smile on his face.

He could already imagine it, winning the duel, taking back everything that was his, and once again becoming the center of everyone's attention!

But the next second, he was bewildered.

Because he found that Xianzong's Blessing Magic was actually cast on him.

The amulets he wore didn't vibrate, it wasn't a curse, it was indeed Blessing Magic.

No way, man, are you this honorable... Kavensis's smile turned a bit stiff.

Who gives their opponent a layer of blessing during a fight!

But in the next second, he couldn't even smile.

Because Kavensis felt a bout of pain emanating from his abdomen.

A strange pain.

He had never experienced such unfamiliar pain: at first it wasn't intense, like being gently patted; then, it gradually deepened, as though thousands of feet were kicking his abdomen.

The pain kept intensifying, and Kavensis gradually began to sweat profusely.

Lowering his head, he discovered in terror.

His abdomen was inflating rapidly, with each heartbeat it swelled quickly like a balloon being inflated!

Yet, that amulet necklace remained still, not even flickering; it only responded to attacks and curses.

Did you fish it out of a wholesale market!

I'm already like this...

This isn't a curse but a blessing?

Which spiteful god's blessing is this!

No wonder Kavensis found it bizarre, this "Gift from the Mother Goddess of Life" had hardly ever been redeemed by Cultists before.

Reducing speed by twenty percent with an effect that lasts ten minutes is too insignificant for the mad adherents who seek lethality.

And it consumes four Magic points, with a magic exhaustion rate almost reaching that of High-Level Magic, enough to drain a person dry.

After all, not everyone is as luxurious as An Su, the Child of the Curse, with dark magic exhaustion halved.

The pain finally reached its peak as though it would rip his abdomen open.

Kavensis finally realized that terrible truth, the one he didn't dare to believe, didn't dare to admit.

His eyes were threatening to split, he had never been so furious, he glared at Xianzong, vowing to grind him into dust!

He was about to activate his Magic Wand and hit the latter with a big one.

But he saw the other party calmly, decisively mount his horse, slap the reins, and gallop toward the distant mountains.

Why do you turn around and head to the mountains!

This damn thing was supposed to be a duel of honor!

Kavensis was about to give chase, but the movement agitated his abdomen, and the agony made him wish for death, greatly slowing his movements.

[Speed reduced by twenty percent, lasting ten minutes]

He quickly checked his status and slowly mounted his beloved horse to pursue and kill this man.

When it came to horse riding, Kavensis was determined not to lose to anyone.

This little mare was extraordinarily agile, a true sacred steed with a trace of mythical creature's bloodline, capable of covering a thousand miles in a day, impervious to curses—his pride and glory.

Moreover, Xianzong was riding in a carriage, still pulling such a heavy load.

If he were Xianzong, he would have abandoned the carriage and fled, and with some luck, he might have saved his skin.

Kavensis sneered disdainfully.

He had just gotten on his horse and hadn't cracked his whip more than a few times when he saw Xianzong turn around and, once again using that solemn and majestic tone, proclaimed aloud, "Gift of the Gods!"

Gift of the Gods—who could it be for this time?

Kavensis was already confused; he had been targeted once already, but he quickly came to his senses.

The target of the spell—

was his sacred steed,

It was his beloved little mare beneath him!

You bastard, are you going to rape even a damn horse!

But upon seeing the holy horse let out a mournful whinny, under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have been much for horses,

but this was a creature of the void, sensing that evil presence, the holy horse became terrified and chaotic, no longer able to walk, and directly threw Kavensis to the ground.

This was also one of An Su's experimental subjects, he wanted to test whether the gifts of the gods were effective on animals with divine beast bloodlines.

The fall from the horse directly alarmed the baby, sending the pain to its peak.

"Dare to hurt my horse..."

"Ahhh... I'm going to, I must kill you ahhh!!"

He endured the intense pain, stood up, waved his magic wand, and cast an intermediate stage of Blessing Magic on himself.

"Assistance of the Wind Sprite"

Magic effect: Increases movement speed by thirty percent for fifteen minutes, uses up four magic points.

This magic book also further explained why "Gift of the Mother Goddess" was unpopular.

Any random speed-increasing magic could negate your effects, with the same mana consumption

But... But this damned magic tormented people!

Kavensis broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, his mouth twitching fiercely, and no longer caring about the frightened little mare that ran away, he chased after with the assistance of the Wind Sprite.

I must kill you...

Kavensis just needed to hold this guy off until the other saints arrived, then they could join forces to kill Xianzong.

"You're coming off your mount too!"

At last, he swung his magic wand, and a holy spear was shot straight out, piercing through the plains and hitting Xianzong's horse squarely, which let out a mournful cry and fell to the ground.

This holy spear, named "Brilliant Spear," was a unique effect of his title "Man of Brilliance." He could fire it three times a day, each shot as powerful as a high-level magic spell, without using up magic points.

Without his mount, Xianzong could only get off the horse cart.

Now, he couldn't escape... Kavensis cracked an excited smile on his lips, and his eyes were somewhat manic.

"You can't run anymore!"

But Xianzong stood calmly on the plains, seemingly contemplating something, and slowly turned around.

He looked at Kavensis, who was coming over sweating profusely, and revealed a bright and sunny smile, like an outgoing young man.

The experiment was at its penultimate step.

"Using the title—"

Xianzong opened his arms to Kavensis, "The Dawning East."

"Divine Title: The Dawning East"

"Title effect: Can stack the same dark magic buff effect on the target once, usable only once per day."

This title stacked the effects of dark magic buffs, whether it was the effects of a curse or a blessing.

So, including that "Gift of the God," it could also be stacked by this title!

Kavensis's body froze.

He couldn't believe it, dared not to believe it, didn't want to believe it—

Trembling hands, slowly touched his own belly.

The belly swelled... twice as much.

It grew two whole sizes bigger.

"Received blessing—Gift of the God"

"Influenced by the title 'The Dawning East,' effects are stacked twice."

"Speed reduced by forty percent, offsetting the 'Assistance of the Wind Sprite' boost to a reduction of ten percent, lasting ten minutes."

An incomparable agony shot straight up to his crown.

Kavensis lifted his head, staring blankly at Xianzong's 'The Dawning East' title.

He was carrying twins.