Chapter 35 Priest Paxi: These three are heavyweights!

Priest Paxi, as a cleric of the Order Church, had already served as the chief examiner for several years.

This was his pride.

The Order Clergy possessed a unique characteristic, their Scales of Order, which could judge people's actions.

Judge whether it disrupted order, whether it harmed fairness.

Capable of detecting whether an examinee was cheating.

Therefore, they were very suitable to serve as examiners.

His eyes were sharp as torches, as keen as those of a falcon; any student trying to disturb the order of the examination room was nowhere to hide; thus, half an hour into the exam, the order of the examination room was crystal clear, with only the rustling sound of vigorous writing.

All the examinees were concentrating fully.

As the clock ticked toward the top of the hour, someone raised their hand to signal.

Priest Paxi narrowed his eyes, observing the examinee, who seemed to be from a border city.

An Su Moningsta, his name was written on the exam paper.