Chapter 41 The Borderland Triumvirs Begin to Show Their Mettle

The next day. Early morning.

Last night's light snow had accumulated on the metallic dome, forming a thin layer of rime ice that negligently turned into meltwater, slowly trickling down through the crevices.

The winter morning was devoid of sunlight, its glory veiled by a dim mist. The faint glow flickering in the air was nothing but the pure white of snowmelt.

The Alchemic and Mechanical Church, the grand hall of the sixth chapel.

The second-floor examination prep area was filled with test-takers who gazed nervously downwards through the glass, intermittently double-checking that the magic combinations they chose were error-free and might secure their passage through the test.

They had all inquired about yesterday's examiners in private.

Priestess Ai Xueli Xien, a magical talent from the magicians' Xien Family, was considered the foremost among her peers in the research of magical positioning combinations.