Chapter 61: Border Specialties of Fireball Technique and Water Sphere Skill

The Painful Esoteric Sect, officially known as the Pain and Blood Esoteric Sect, is one of the Seven Great Mystical Sects.

They worship primal suffering.

Unlike the Life Esoteric Church, which is disorganized and individually governed, the Painful Esoteric Sect boasts a strict and extensive organizational structure.

They have a job division similar to that of the Radiant Holy See.

Their strongholds are scattered across the continent, causing suffering to please their gods and gain power, making them the most dangerous cult—several small countries have already been destroyed due to their wars, with all the citizens massacred, and their blood and wails echoing through the skies.

Sharp had been a Squad Leader for three years now, and currently leads a six-member elite squad, already having invaded several Church worlds in these short years.

He was about to advance to the Third Order, with a combat skill point count of seventeen.