Chapter 63: The Kiss of Death from the Mother Goddess

Sharp, the Soldier Chief, was a seasoned member of the Painful Esoteric Sect, having delved into various arts of inflicting pain since his initiation.

How to make death painful was the very subject of his research.

He always considered himself a prodigy of pain.

Young as he was, he had already become a Soldier Chief, and his future seemed bright.

He was the man chosen by the primal pain.

That's what he had always believed.

Only today did he realize, when confronted by these three followers of the Radiant Holy See, that in the study of the path of pain, he was merely mortal.

This was the first time he questioned his faith: Oh great Mother Goddess of Pain, do you truly watch over us... or is the true doctrine of pain actually with the Radiant Holy See?

Soldier Chief Sharp didn't understand, he couldn't see through it.

He knew he had been defeated.

Utterly defeated.

Defeated by the combined tactics of these three.