Chapter 97 An Su Begins to Torment the Dead Souls

"Boss." Bone scratched his own skull, "Three minutes might be too little. I can't teach much."

"I have a very efficient method. Just don't resist," An Su responded.

An Su took a small knife and gently sliced the tip of his finger, squeezing out a drop of blood, which he smeared on the crown of Bone's skull.

The blood acted as a catalyst, and instantly, Bone felt its spirit connected with An Su's.

Information could be transmitted through mind-voice.

This was an initial-stage spell that An Su had newly acquired from the Painful Esoteric Altar, called "Friendly Pain Message."

"Friendly Pain Message"

"Pain-Related Magic"

"Initial Auxiliary Category"

"Magic Power Consumption: Two (originally four)"

"Using blood as a contract, establish a mental communication with a teammate, sharing status, significantly improving the rate of information exchange. Moreover, the greater the pain one side is in, the stronger the signal and the more efficient the information transmission is."