Chapter 105: The 'Healing Magician' with Chaotic Features

Astro Church's First Cathedral.

The sunset had already fallen,

and the afterglow of dusk had been worn away by the silhouettes of the mountains; the midnight bells had already rung thrice. By all accounts, the Astro Church should have been at rest by now, but tonight, the cathedral was still brightly lit.

Across the street on the Champs Elysees Avenue, many believers had finished their daily tasks and were walking in pairs and threes on the maple-covered avenue.

Some senior Nether saints were discussing today's harvest, mainly talking about their evaluations and which rank of church world they went to.

These were upperclassmen, preparing for this year's deacon examination.

Compared with the neophyte wannabe saints, they had already experienced many church worlds but had yet to qualify as deacons.

One of the mandatory conditions to become a deacon was to clear a frontier world.

The danger level of frontier worlds far exceeds that of church worlds.