Chapter 113: An Su Attracts the Attention of the Mother Goddess of Chaos! (4000 words)

Twilight had descended, and the last rays of the sunset had completely dissipated, yet the entirety of Fierce Hell Avenue was still illuminated as if it were broad daylight.

The flowing magma had dried up, leaving a silent, yellow-brown crust behind. Rows of pale, mummified corpses lay on both sides of the street. After enduring the ravages of the five great races, Fierce Hell Avenue was in a state of utter disrepair.

Despite the horrific scene before them, the chaotic spectators' expressions grew even more frenzied and excited.

They swarmed from all directions, crowding the venue to the brim. The number of onlookers kept growing, especially when the Chaos Fairy Legislative Assembly made its appearance, pushing the event's popularity to its peak.

How bitter is life, yet it grants us the chance to witness such wondrous sights.

The Chaos Legislation Group, a group that could only be described as the most indefinable force at the frontier.

Indefinable, indescribable.