Chapter 155: The Bishops: His Excellency Merlin Has Worked Overtime to Baldness! (Two in One)

Heaven's Gate.

Dusk had already faded, and the night was merely an outline of pale gray, slowly turning orange with the rise of the sun.

In Merlin's shocked and unprepared gaze, An Su's Guardian Angel's thin lips parted lightly,

"The first strike, to sever all evil."

The choir's enchanting hymn sounded once again, the Holy Light descended in abundance, the brilliant stardust fell, and the sacred and archaic murmur 'Shariputra, all dharmas are empty' echoed once more.

Even Merlin couldn't understand at first—who could have expected that the very first blow upon emerging would strike one's own people!

It was an utter reversal of the heavens!

This strike was too sudden, so much so that not just Merlin, even An Su didn't have time to react.

The invisible, intangible, lawless, formless blade of nothingness fell in silence.

Merlin only felt a chill on his scalp, his smooth and flowing hair hanging by a thread, and a great shock filled his heart.