Chapter 167: An Su Makes Her Seniority Bigger (Two in One, Thanks to the Alliance Leader Who Knows Fate Yet Defies It)

In his life so far, An Su had come to understand a theorem: the thought patterns and styles of those born in the borderlands were universally identical, and this grand theorem was applicable to any era.

An Su named it the First Theorem of Borderland Birth.

He even wanted to check if His Excellency Merlin's ancestry was from the borderlands.

The sunset slowly descended along the edge of the window grill, the sky gradually turning from orange-white to dark red, and, as if water, the moonlight alternated with the daylight, spilling over Mr. Lister's cheeks, he elegantly pushed up his glasses and calmly surveyed An Su in the room, revealing a disdainful smile.

Lister Muen was undoubtedly a true noble.

A noble is always endowed with nobility's grace.

From Lister's birth, Marquis Norman had told him that children of the Moon Family were born gentlemen.

Seeing Arthur delighted at the prospect of getting a wife, Lister was nothing but contemptuous.