Miss Yue'er and Miss Yangzi's gifts have been received, and now it's time for a letter from the leader of the Border Girl Group's Kavensis fans.
Unlike Full Moon Treasure and Ri Zi's peaceful gifts, the Guardian Knight Order of Kavensis is quite aggressive.
They campaign aggressively both externally and within, and their level of belief has reached the point of madness.
Kavensis's charm is so great that it has a lot to do with the persona An Su set up for her.
First, the 'married woman' attribute.
Then, the 'widow' attribute.
Even a hidden 'non-human' attribute.
And she's also a slender beauty.
Miss Kavensis was once the young mother of two children; although this attribute turned off some fans, those who remained became even more fanatical and excited.
At the same time, both of Kavensis's children died young, and she was heartlessly abandoned by a faithless lover.
These two attributes combined are extremely rare and valuable.