First was the nature of the work,
When needed, Party B should lend a hand.
This phrase was actually literal: when the Chef needed to cook, the hospital needed to amputate, or the Tattoo Artist needed ashes for pigment, the assistant had to cut off his hand and offer it up.
The trial period was three hours, but this did not mean a total of three hours of trial time. Each job required three hours, adding up to a total of nine hours without any work.
The so-called trial period was just one way of writing it, in actuality, it was the "consumption period," also known as the food's warranty period.
Wages were paid after the consumption period, but if the food was consumed within the consumption period, then there was no need to continue the payment.
After all, an assistant who lost his arm due to a work injury naturally couldn't work; if he couldn't work, why should they, as bosses, still pay him?