Chapter 10 Teacher!

On the other side.

Under the shade of trees opposite the sports field.

The principal accompanied a disheveled middle-aged man with long hair and a scruffy beard, watching the mock test on the sports field.

"This kid's movement technique is quite interesting," the man nodded slightly.

"Yes, he is our grade's top student," the principal said with regret, "He missed the first exam, I felt it was such a pity, so I called you over to have a look."

Yawning, the man said lazily, "He has quite a talent for movement technique—if he can also score full marks in spiritual power, I might give him a chance."

"Full marks in spiritual power? Manager Qian, isn't that demand a bit too high?"

The principal couldn't help but ask.

After all, Shen Ye's weakest point was his spiritual power.

Although his spiritual power was considered decent in this school, compared to the whole city, or even the province, it was quite mediocre.

Seeing the hesitation on his face, the man shook his head:

"Without enough spiritual power, it's a completely hopeless situation."

"Let's wait until the spiritual power results are out, maybe he can score highly," the principal said.

"High scores won't do, only full marks will meet the requirement," the man emphasized.

The principal couldn't help but sigh.

Shen Ye, naturally, was completely unaware of this scene.

It was already approaching noon.

Many students had finished the mock test and went straight back to the dormitories.

Even more students went to the canteen.

Chen Haoyu went to wash the paint off his body.

He had already arranged to meet Shen Ye on the small path outside the canteen to have stir-fry together at noon.

Taking advantage of the remaining time, Shen Ye returned to the classroom to start doing a set of "Language and Scientific Knowledge" test questions.

Grind on practice questions!

One must grind on them!

Math, Physics, Chemistry were all fine, they were the same.

But for the humanities subjects, historical figures, events, and even literary works, everything was unfamiliar and needed to be recalled.

He was different from the other students; many knowledge points in his memory still required activation through practice.

In fact, he was least confident about "Language and Scientific Knowledge."

Sea of questions!

Truly frustrating.

Shen Ye focused on his questions, unaware of time passing until it was noon.

When the bell rang, he looked up and was surprised to see that the classroom was almost empty.

Lunchtime had come.

He was hungry.

Shen Ye stretched languidly, planning to finish the last major question before going to meet Chen Haoyu for lunch.

Outside the window, a tall figure blocked the light.

Fei, Fei Yangyang?

Shen Ye rubbed his eyes and took a closer look; it was Sun Ming.

"What is it?"

Shen Ye asked.

"You stinkin' kid, Zhao Yibing doesn't even want to bother with you," Sun Ming glared at him with an aggressive look and blurted out.

"Then that's great," Shen Ye said with a smile.

"Don't think that acting disinterested is going to get her attention," Sun Ming said mockingly.

"I really don't want to see her again," Shen Ye said earnestly.

Sun Ming grunted coldly, turned his head, and gestured toward the hallway.

Six or seven boys approached.

They entered the classroom, closed the door, and surrounded Shen Ye.

Shen Ye laughed and said:

"Why bother, we're all our own people."

The term "our own people" activated!

The next moment.

Everyone's expressions changed.

"With such a good relationship, why corner me?" Shen Ye said, spreading his hands.

"No choice, Zhao Yibing wanted me to vent for her," Sun Ming said, scratching his head sheepishly.

"Yeah, we don't want to hit our own brother; it's really troubling," one of the boys said.

"It's all because I like her too much, and you're usually too proud, so I wanted to fight you," another boy said.

"Forget it, we're all our own people, I won't make a move."


They all chimed in.

Ten seconds.

Time was up.

The group shook their heads bewilderedly, forgetting what they had just been saying.

They surrounded him again.

Shen Ye placed his mobile phone on the windowsill and packed up his stationery before slowly standing up.

After listening to their words, he finally felt relieved.

—This was just a fight between students, and among these people, there wasn't the one who wanted to kill him.

"I don't want trouble."

Shen Ye continued earnestly:

"I hope you think carefully; the day after tomorrow is the official second exam for middle school entrance."

"The movement technique test is crucial. If you get hurt, it might affect your performance and it's a matter that concerns your whole future."

"I hope you consider it for your own sake."

The boys looked at each other.

Sun Ming grunted and said, "It's because of the way you treated Zhao Yibing, we all can't stand it."

"Right, she said you even went and scolded her afterwards."

"She cried all morning."

"You really are hateful."

Shen Ye looked at them calmly.

He had thought after the morning's events Zhao Yibing had called it quits.

But now it seemed she had hidden away to chant spells.

At this moment, she cast her ultimate move—

"Zhao Yibing's fish pond!"

Shen Ye started to get impatient.

With the exam around the corner, he needed to focus on practice questions, yet he was entangled in these trivial matters.

"State your demands," Shen Ye said.

"From now on, you are not to pester Zhao Yibing," Sun Ming started.


"Stay away from her."

"You're not going to a key high school anymore, so stop hanging around her."

The opinions came fast and varied.

Shen Ye picked up the papers on the table, displayed them in front of them, and smiled, saying:

"Look, I'm working on questions. I haven't even gone to find her; how could I have pestered her?"

The group fell silent.

Sun Ming took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and switched on the speakerphone.


Zhao Yibing's voice came through.