Chapter 21: Entering the Nightmare World Again!


The condition of the large skeleton was maintained.

But as time passed, a new problem emerged.

"I'm worried about something else—these oral solutions for supplementing trace elements won't last very long," Shen Ye said with folded arms.

"Then go buy more," urged the large skeleton.

"I don't have enough money," Shen Ye replied.

"What's the current currency?" inquired the large skeleton.

"Digital currency or paper money works," Shen Ye responded.

"What about gold?" asked the large skeleton.

"You have some?" Shen Ye countered.

"I'll give you some gold; just get more materials, and don't let me die," the large skeleton implored.

"You have gold? Then stop wasting time and hand it over!" Shen Ye exclaimed.

The hustle kept up until four-thirty in the morning.

Fortunately, the Human Martial Arts Group had a currency exchange system, and there was staff on duty even at night.

Big organizations are different indeed.

The attendant simply checked the purity of the gold, not bothering with other questions, and completed the transaction without fuss.

Having money makes things easier—even in the dead of night, Shen Ye managed to get what he needed and filled the fish tank with new additions.

Not only did he plant aquatic plants, but he also introduced a bunch of fish.

"I remember that eating allows you to regenerate," Shen Ye remarked.

He still sat outside on a small stool, watching the fish wagging their tails in the tank.

"Eating does help replenish some strength, but these fish—" the large skeleton began.

"Don't be picky; I went through a lot of trouble to get these fish in the middle of the night. Just eat," Shen Ye interrupted.

After a moment's hesitation, the large skeleton opened its mouth and bit at a fish.


It lost a front tooth.

Not only did it lose a tooth, but a serpentine crack also appeared on its jaw.

"Indigestion?" Shen Ye blurted in surprise.

"How the hell can you think it's indigestion when my tooth is about to fly off to my skull cap?" the large skeleton exclaimed in shock and anger.

"How can you not bite through a fish? You're wasting my kindness," Shen Ye scolded.

"The shell on these fish is too hard; couldn't you have bought some fish without shells?" the large skeleton complained.

"Like cures like—turtle is incredibly nourishing," Shen Ye argued with reason.

"No matter how nourishing it is, I can't bite it now!" the large skeleton almost went mad.

"Other fish wouldn't survive in the calcium supplement solution either," Shen Ye said helplessly as he picked up a net and started scooping up turtles.

After all the trouble, it was past five in the morning.

"Shen Ye," the large skeleton suddenly said.

"What?" asked Shen Ye.

"You saved me this time. Once I recover, I assure you that you won't regret it," the large skeleton vowed.

Shen Ye looked at it, noting the determined soulfire in its eye sockets.

But it was missing a front tooth.

It had fallen out while gnawing on the turtle.

—This ruined the serious and earnest demeanor it tried to convey.

"Empty promises mean nothing; let's talk after you recover," Shen Ye said.

Outside, the first light of dawn was appearing.

Damn it.

He'd been so caught up in his activities that he'd done nothing else all night but fuss over the fish tank.

By the way—

This skeleton has an incredible zest for life; it's still alive.


A loud noise sounded.

Shen Ye abruptly looked up to see the dust falling from the closed door at the end of the corridor as it shook.

"What's happening?" Shen Ye immediately asked.

"Outside is the fifth position in the Gloomy Highlands, where the Human Race and Elves are fiercely attacking—"

In the blink of an eye, the large skeleton spat out a ring, urgently saying:

"Quick! Put on the ring!"

"Why?" Shen Ye asked as he caught the ring.

The large skeleton quickly continued:

"This is actually a secret passage; the battlefield is outside, and the battle is still not over."

"—Right now, I'm completely incapable of fighting!"

Before the words were finished, it murmured something softly.

In an instant.

The large skeleton, along with the entire fish tank, was absorbed into the ring.


The door at the end of the corridor violently shook once again.

Shen Ye swallowed nervously.

What to do?

Was he supposed to face the unknown enemies breaking in?

—It had nothing to do with him in the first place, so why should he have to deal with this situation?

Without any hesitation, he closed the door and whispered:


The door vanished.

Shen Ye turned around, opened the refrigerator, took out some snacks and drinks, and started eating and drinking.

It was now past six in the morning.

Skipping breakfast is bad for your health.

After finishing his meal and brushing his teeth and washing his face, he also did a set of eye exercises, and the clock was close to seven o'clock.

Luckily, he'd been wearing Lannie's Nature's Blessing Bracelet the whole time, and his spiritual power had increased by 0.1.

His total spiritual power had now reached 0.9.


Shen Ye cleared his throat and said to the ring on his hand:

"Hey, how did you end up inside the ring?"

"Waited so long just to ask that?" the big skeleton couldn't help but shout.

"I need to make some preparations; answer my question." Shen Ye said.

"A space ring cannot store living things, but I'm not a living thing, I'm undead—something many people don't think about." The voice of the big skeleton responded.

Shen Ye "hmm"ed and continued:

"You seem to know quite a lot; I've been suspicious of your identity since we started from the Elf Village."

"After all, who would be escorted by three of their own kind to assassinate the enemy leader?"

"Still, I don't like to pry into others' privacy and won't interfere with you; I just need you to know one thing—"

"You must help me with all your might."

"Help you? What are you going to do?" the big skeleton's voice rang in his ear.

—It seemed to be a kind of telepathy.

"I'm going to your world today, and I need your help." Shen Ye said.

"Our side is engrossed in battle, with tens of thousands of troops dying on the battlefield every day; are you looking for death?"

"I must go."

"...Fine, you don't ask about my identity, and I won't ask why you insist on going to our world, but those powerful treasures I had are long gone; I can offer you very limited help." the big skeleton said.

Shen Ye glanced at the contract on the door.

The contract name of the big skeleton was "Mother of Dark Skeletons, King of Ghouls, Defeated Underworld Lord Miket Tikaxiwa's Fifth Battle Squad Battlefield Quartermaster."

"What is a Battlefield Quartermaster?" Shen Ye asked.

"I'm responsible for collecting Spoils of War on the battlefield." the big skeleton said.

It explained further: "Don't think I can actually pick up anything good; those truly powerful treasures get snatched away by the enemy as soon as their owners are defeated."

"All I can gather are some broken weapons, armor, and soldiers' mementos."

Shen Ye pondered for a moment, then said:

"Do you have any Undead Soldier equipment that can conceal aura, preferably."

I must enter the Nightmare World.

If there is a secret passageway behind the door, and the passageway leads to the Undead Position—

Then disguising myself as an Undead Soldier and simply strolling through the battlefield before immediately returning to the mortal world would work.

In this way, wouldn't I get the keyword?

"Conceal aura? Let me check."

After waiting for a few moments, the ring moved, and a set of ragged Leather Armor appeared in the room, splitting into several pieces as soon as it hit the ground.

"You can't just pick up any garbage." Shen Ye said, annoyed.

"Let me look again."

A piece of black Leather Armor full of scratches appeared on the ground, along with a bow, an empty quiver, a pair of dusty boots, and a Horse Medal.

The Horse Medal bore a line of small print:

"With this medal, one may summon a Skeleton Warhorse, exclusively for message delivery."

Shen Ye donned the black Leather Armor, slung the bow across his back, strapped the empty quiver behind him, pocketed the Horse Medal, and slipped into the boots.

This attire continuously emitted a Death Aura, making him resemble a walking Undead Soldier.

—Only his face was still that of a human.

"I have picked up a Centurion Face Armor before, which should suit you." the big skeleton said.

"Is it alright? Can it be seen through?" Shen Ye asked.

"This Face Armor constantly emanates a High-level Death Aura, other undead won't see through it." the big skeleton said.

Shen Ye put on the Face Armor.

—Now, no one could see his true identity.

All set!

"Any flaws?" Shen Ye asked.

"No, you look just like an Undead Warrior." the big skeleton said.

"Then, if I go over—" Shen Ye said.

"In our position, other undead won't kill you, as long as you act appropriately. You might even blend in and get a Skeleton Warhorse!" the big skeleton said.

Shen Ye showed a look of longing.

Riding a Skeleton Warhorse, pretending to be part of the Undead Position, and as soon as danger arose, to return home by opening the door—

Wouldn't that at least earn me a keyword like "Ghost Knight"?

"Alright, I'm going now!"

Shen Ye took a deep breath and said.

"You'd better not die. If you die, the ring on your hand will be taken away, and then I'm finished." the big skeleton said.

"I'll do my best not to die." Shen Ye said.

He reached out to the wall, thinking the word "door" in his mind.

The door appeared at once.

Looking through the glass window into the interior, I see the somber passageway is empty.

There's a gap in the door at the end of the passageway.

The howling of the wind, clashing of weapons, shouting of commands, and booming of Techniques mingled together, endlessly coming through.

The moment has come!

Shen Ye took a deep breath, pushed the door open, stepped into the passageway, and strode forward.

The ground was covered with bone fragments, completely obscuring the floor.

Having walked halfway, the cacophony outside suddenly surged like a torrent.

The battle was fierce!

Shen Ye mustered his courage and continued moving forward.


The door was blown off its hinges, landing within the passageway.

Someone was coming!

And not just one or two!

Shen Ye posed as an Undead Soldier and shouted, "Hold your fire, I'm one of us!"

Figures flashed around him.

They weren't undead!

Dense groups of human soldiers filled the entire passageway, pointing their weapons at him as they shouted in unison:

"Don't move!"