Chapter 23 She's Here!

Shen Ye was stunned.

Three identical Green Entries—

Can activate hidden abilities?

He had already obtained two "One of Us."

That is to say, he must obtain the "One of Us" Green Entry once more tomorrow to unlock that hidden Entry ability.

Hidden Entry.

It sounded incredibly powerful just by the name.

But he had no clue about the principle of obtaining Entries.

It was pure chance that he had obtained the "One of Us" Entry twice in a row.

Shen Ye touched the bloodstains on his body and fell into deep thought.

—This was a minor injury caused by a spear piercing through his broken leather armor.

Whether in Elf Village or the Undead Battlefield, there seemed to be one premise—

He had to be on someone else's turf.


He had to be in a life-and-death situation.

In Elf Village, there were three Undead surveilling him, and on the Undead Battlefield, he was surrounded by Human Race warriors with weapons.

Lastly, he had to make others lay down their hostility and even be willing to help him.

In the Elf Village, Lannie gave him a bracelet and even called the patrolling Elven Soldiers.

On the Undead Battlefield, Roman provided him with a solo combat pack.

Those were the main points.

—The requirements were too high, he was practically dancing on the edge of a knife just to escape with his life.

To do the same tomorrow?

That would be risking his life!

After contemplating for a moment, Shen Ye couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Even now, he would feel suffocated when he thought of the Entry above the Elf High Priest's head.

Why should he put himself into such a perilous situation?


Walk too many night roads, and you are bound to encounter ghosts.

If things became too dangerous, he would rather give up on such a hidden ability!

Life is the most important!

He quietly made a decision.

The telephone in the room suddenly rang with a "ding-a-ling."


"Mr. Shen, you have a visitor," the sister's voice was so gentle.

"Who is it?" Shen Ye asked.

"A relative of Luo Feichuan. Their identity has been verified by the group, no issues. Would you like to meet her?"

"...Okay," Shen Ye agreed.

"Then please come to the reception room on the 50th floor. We have complete security measures here. I will also bring the other party here to meet with you."

"Thank you for the trouble."

"You're welcome."

The call ended.

Shen Ye couldn't help but recall the bound body of Luo Feichuan in the Police Chief's office.

He died because of the investigation related to Shen Ye.

Even after his death, he revealed the Kunlun password and saved Shen Ye's life.

If he could do something for his family...

He would not hesitate.

Shen Ye dressed neatly and left the dormitory.

50th floor.

Shen Ye entered the reception room and immediately saw the young girl.

She had a black bow tied upon her head, her long hair reaching her waist. She wore a moon-white blouse and had a long sword fastened at her waist, draped in a dark blue horse-faced skirt, her figure as elegant as a crane, standing aloof from the world.

The girl was looking at the cityscape outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

There was nobody else around.

"Excuse me, are you looking for me?"

Shen Ye asked.

The girl turned around. Under the sunlight, her eyes, reminiscent of autumn waters, met Shen Ye's.

She seemed to be around the same age as Shen Ye.

"Shen Ye?" the girl asked.


Shen Ye was about to continue speaking when he suddenly paused.

He noticed a line of small text floating above the girl's head—

"Great Swordsman."

An Entry!

Shen Ye's heart skipped a beat.

It was indeed an Entry!

Endowed with the ability "Door," he could see the Entries of others.

But after meeting so many people—

He had only seen one person with an Entry before!

Qian Rushan, who killed an assassin from behind the wall with a single strike, didn't have an Evaluation Entry.

In Nightmare World, so many from the Human Race, Undead, and Elves didn't have Entries.

Only the Elf High Priest had such a long string of Entries!

Who would have thought—

This girl, who was about the same age as himself, would actually possess an Entry like "Great Swordsman!"

He's too strong.

Could she easily kill me with just a flick of her wrist?

Numerous thoughts flashed through Shen Ye's mind.

But the young girl was unaware of all this, merely continuing her speech:

"Hello, I'm Xiao Mengyu, Luo Feichuan's biological younger sister, and I'm here to learn about some situations regarding my brother," she said.

"Please, take a seat," Shen Ye said.


The two sat down on the sofa by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"The person who killed my brother is dead," Xiao Mengyu stated indifferently.

"What?" Shen Ye was startled.

Hadn't Qian Rushan said the murderer was captured alive?

The girl calmly continued, "Just between us, I killed him."

Shen Ye looked around.

The nearest waiter was standing 20 meters away, behind the bar, nonchalantly brewing a pot of tea.

No one else was around.

But surely there had to be surveillance or something of the sort here, right?

—You're just brazenly talking about it like that?

"Don't be nervous," the girl slowly said, "My brother was a man of limited talents, so I recommended an okay school for him, intending for him to graduate, find an okay job, and then marry an okay woman to continue the Luo family's legacy."

Shen Ye listened silently.

Something didn't seem right—

Based on his impression, as well as Qian Rushan's introduction, Luo Feichuan should have been a paragon among men. How had he become a "man of limited talents" in his sister's words?

The girl went on:

"Everything was proceeding according to my expectations, and I had hoped my brother would be protected and live a safe life."

"Who knew he would be killed, his body tied up and hidden in a cupboard?"

A dark undercurrent surged in Xiao Mengyu's eyes.

"By the way, two of his classmates, jealous of the honors he received, tampered with his weapon," she said.

"After confirming it beyond doubt, I've eradicated them."

Shen Ye found himself speechless.

How long had it been?

In one night, you'd already dealt with the assassin and identified the two who had framed your brother, and you've taken care of them both?

That's why you deserve the title "Great Swordsman."

The girl smiled and said, "Why aren't you speaking? Is it that others can bully him but I can't seek revenge?"

"Not at all," Shen Ye said. "I was just thinking about whether anyone would come after you for killing people; and why your brother has the surname Luo, but you're surnamed Xiao."

"I see, you have the surname Shen but you've never lived among the noble families, so you are puzzled," she said with a sudden realization, her eyes clearing of their cryptic gaze. She softly continued, "My brother lacked talent and was meant just to live peacefully, but he died."

"He was a scion of the noble family, yet he died at the hands of an assassin."

"Representing the Luo family, I sought justice for him, and no one dared to say anything."


"My mother's surname is Xiao, so I took her surname."

"Understood," Shen Ye nodded. "Please, continue."

"I'll give you a brief overview of the incident," Xiao Mengyu slowly said. "That assassin took a contract from the Assassins' Alliance bounty platform to kill you."

"In the end, my brother, while investigating this matter, actually found the assassin's hideout. The two of them clashed at close quarters, and with his weapon sabotaged, my brother was killed by the assassin."

"The assassin didn't know who wanted to kill you, nor did he realize he had killed a member of the Luo family."

"Did the trail go cold?" Shen Ye asked.

"Yes," Xiao Mengyu answered.

"But you have already avenged Police Chief Luo," Shen Ye said.

"It's not enough. I want to find the person who hired the assassin to kill you—"

Xiao Mengyu gently caressed the hilt of her sword, her eyes downcast, her tone turning wispy like mist:

"The assassin killed my brother, so I killed the assassin and will eradicate the mastermind behind him as well, to console my brother's spirit in heaven."

"Shen Ye, will you help me?"

"Of course I will," Shen Ye said.

"Really?" Xiao Mengyu lifted her gaze to look at him.

"Your brother died because of my affair, if there's anything I can do for him, I'll make sure to do it," Shen Ye said.

"A gentleman's word," Xiao Mengyu said.

"A horse cannot catch up with a word once it's released," Shen Ye declared.

"What does 'a horse cannot catch up with a word once it's released' mean?" Xiao Mengyu asked curiously.

Only then did Shen Ye react.

The history of this world is different; some phrases exist, while others do not.

"I mean, I'll make it happen swiftly," Shen Ye corrected.

"Hmm," Xiao Mengyu nodded slightly, "Regarding the person who wants to kill you, do you have any clues yourself?"

"The person who wants to kill me..." Shen Ye sighed and admitted, "I'm actually very eager to know who would want to kill me."

"Do you have any suspects? Even a slight, unclear guess would do, just give me a few names—just the names, leave the rest to me," Xiao Mengyu asked, her hand unconsciously resting lightly on the hilt of her sword.

Shen Ye tensed up all over.

He didn't know why he was reacting this way, but her aura was unavoidably intimidating.

"From childhood to this day, I've never had such a deadly feud with anyone, so until this moment, I'm still at a loss," Shen Ye said frankly.

Xiao Mengyu fell silent.

In fact, before coming here, she had thoroughly investigated Shen Ye.

This young man really hadn't caused any major trouble.

It was indeed strange.

Just who was it that would go to such lengths to kill him?