Chapter 96: The Bet (Extra for Elvie Lana Hilfis!)

On the single-plank bridge.

Zhao Yibing moved with grace and composure, her voice like pearls falling onto a dish:

"Your examination area is surrounded by a huge mana barrier, which constantly monitors the condition of every examinee."

"It took me some effort to set up a technique that could shield us from the mana barrier."


A fierce wind burst forth from her, raising billows of dust.

A strong ominous atmosphere filled the surroundings.

The strange creatures lingering in the water did not dare to stay, all fleeing in a panic.

Shen Ye's complexion changed as well.

At this moment.

Above Zhao Yibing's head appeared a line of Evaluation Entry:

"Master of Weeping Demon Prison, Stealer of the World, Cursed Spirit King, who commands all spirits to fall into depravity."

"This Evaluation Entry must not be spoken aloud, lest mortals who hear embed it into their memories, succumb to its lure, and ultimately veer off their destined path."