Chapter 99 Chaos Heaven (Extra chapter for moon tickets! Brothers and sisters!)

As soon as the voice fell, the Human Figure suddenly disappeared.

Shen Ye's pupils constricted sharply—

So fast!

He could hardly react to this speed.

He slightly shifted his body and lifted his foot to kick into the air—


A crisp sound echoed.

His foot was covered with frost as it collided with the spear.

The Human Figure reappeared, retreating a few steps, then turned around to thrust the spear again!

Shen Ye was directly hit and flung high into the air.

—The opponent's combat level is too high!

He spat out a mouthful of blood while in midair.

Two lines of text emerged on the card:

"Your 'Flesh and White Bones' trial enhancement has been activated."

"You have just sustained your first potentially life-threatening attack."

Shen Ye had no time to look at the card.

He had just landed when the Human Figure appeared again behind him, brandishing the spear towards his skull.

Shen Ye's body emitted trails of afterimages as he spun and kicked again—