Chapter 170 "Just Looking Around

Underground Imperial Mausoleum.

This is a resting room.

Torches burned brightly on the walls, and stone guards stood on both sides of the door.

Shen Ye appeared quietly.

Two voices spoke at the same time.

"I guessed you would come, just didn't guess you would arrive so quickly," Nangong Sirui said, fanning himself.

"Which one did you choose as a mentor?" Xiao Mengyu asked.

Looking around, Shen Ye saw the resting room was empty except for the two of them.

They truly deserved their rank as the first and second top newcomers.

"I don't know his name yet, just that I've already accepted a task," Shen Ye said, scratching his head.

Rumble, rumble-

The stone doors slowly moved aside.

A passageway appeared before the three of them.

"The door only opens when at least three people gather, okay—I'm in a hurry, I'll go ahead," said Nangong Sirui, and with a flash of his Physique, he zipped through the door.