Chapter 176: The Planet Has Arrived!


Yang Yingzhen cried out as if she had been shocked, and coming back to her senses, she earnestly said:

"I just didn't expect that she would make such a recommendation—if that's the case, then there's no problem."

"Does the teacher know who it is?"

"I don't know, but it should be fine."


"Come on, let me register you."

Yang Yingzhen typed rapidly on the keyboard, looking calm and collected once again.

"One last question, are you going home for the summer holiday, or are you staying to attend classes?" Yang Yingzhen asked.

Actually, it was the same as the middle school exams in the past life.

Once the exams were over, it was supposed to be the summer holiday.

It's just that the joint enrollment examination for the three schools was a few days later than the regular middle school exams, and there were some new changes.

"When do the makeup classes start?"

"Next week."

"...You can't be serious." Shen Ye asked in surprise.