Chapter 195 The Catastrophe of Hell

Even the Great Skeleton has never heard of it?

Shen Ye pondered and said,

"So those heads aren't the natives of Hell."

"Then, it seems we can call it a catastrophe in Hell,"

A catastrophe is an invader from outside.

"A catastrophe in Hell... I've never heard of such a thing," the Great Skeleton muttered.

"When the generals and lords gathered at the border, I suspected they were preparing for something. Now it seems they were preparing to flee—but I don't know if the general made it out," Shen Ye recalled.

He was standing by the lake at this moment.

The lake was as smooth as a mirror.

The vast land was also flat, like a platter.

All the Undead Souls had been devoured.

Bleak desolation and deadly silence filled the surroundings, quiet and breathless, as if to drive one mad.

The Great Skeleton did not speak, but grabbed a cluster of Soulfire and placed it in the crocodile head.


it commanded.

"To fight for you, my king," the crocodile head growled.