Chapter 262: Fighting with Insects!

In a brief moment,

the corpse on the ground stirred and sat up.

Its wounds all healed, its heart resumed beating once more, and with eyes opening, it furiously demanded,

"What place is this, exactly?"

"To be precise, this is a surprise I prepared especially for you."

Shen Ye explained,

"I do not know through how many layers of worlds we've gone, but you only need to look at two mirrors facing each other to find the answer."

The fully sealed Shen Ye looked towards a mirror.

In it, the scene from another mirror was reflected, creating an observational phenomenon:

In the mirror, there was still another mirror.

Layer upon layer of mirrors extended as far as the eye could see.

"There must be a starting point..."

the king species pondered.

"Indeed, there is one, and you may take your time looking for it," Shen Ye continued.

The ground was covered with frost, transforming underfoot into a mirror.

The sky too formed a mirror with its chill.

Mirrors filled the world.