Saintly Honor uttered two words, combined with his inscrutable expression, it truly made him a bit difficult to figure out.
"Power?" Shen Ye repeated.
—Speaking the words himself, however, didn't carry the same flavor.
"Fresh blood like you, perhaps don't know that within the multiverse, the numerous universe-class life forms have long reached a consensus."
Saintly Honor patiently continued,
"Any universal life must not oppose us, otherwise, it will certainly be eliminated."
"Why?" Shen Ye asked, puzzled.
"Because what we are doing pertains to the ultimate secrets of the entire multilayer universe, which may very well change everything—"
"So various races throughout the universes all participated in that contract and swore not to obstruct our work."
The destruction of the Immortal Country in the Upper Universe—
Was it a consensus of all universal life?
Had those creatures capable of surviving in the universe already made such a contract?
Shen Ye shivered.