Chapter 404 The End Master of All Eras_4

He controlled the Formless Heavenly Demon as it pressed its hand against the "ground," silently uttering "gate" in his heart.

The Gate of Heaven opened.

—Using the Seal as an obstacle, the gate directly traversed the Seal, including its interior and exterior.

The Formless Heavenly Demon leaped down, casually tossing a pitch-black object upward.

The gate disappeared in an instant.

That pitch-black object floated in the water, suddenly lighting up.

It was a cellphone!

On the cellphone's screen appeared a line of continuously scrolling bold text:

"Brother, you're sick, and it needs to be cured; not curing it will only worsen."

Mythology term "Master Wei" and negative term "good buddy" activated simultaneously!


Something invisible rose from the "ground" and shattered the cellphone to pieces.

Inside the Seal.

The Formless Heavenly Demon landed and silently stood in a corner.

—This was a great hall.