Chapter 28: Severe Sapiosexual Patients


The dormitory fell silent after Qiao Ze started reading the paper on his notebook seriously.

During this time, Gu Zhengliang asked Qiao Ze about two problems, which Qiao Ze did not explain, but instead picked up a pen and some draft paper and directly wrote down the general approach for him.

Gu Zhengliang was thoroughly convinced.

He found it very hard to understand, everyone had only one brain, yet while he couldn't make heads or tails of these problems, Qiao Ze could just glance at them and, in less than a minute, provide a solution that seemed obvious as soon as he saw it.

Actually, both Gu Zhengliang and Zhang Zhou's grades were not bad either, both consistently placing in the top five of their class.

It's just that the scores of the top two were so outstanding that they made them seem not as excellent.

But even so, before Qiao Ze appeared, those two had never made Gu Zhengliang feel a deep sense of helplessness from the bottom of his heart.

He always thought that if he worked hard like Chen Yiwen, his grades could probably improve.

After all, math just requires practice to get better.

But it only took Qiao Ze a few hours to dissolve that illusion.

After all, when he had a problem he couldn't solve before, he would ask Chen Yi, who would usually jot the problem down and need at least an hour or two, or perhaps a study session before coming back to explain it to him. He had never experienced an instant solution like today, which made him doubt whether the two problems were actually very simple.

So, Gu tossed the problems Qiao Ze had just taught him straight to Zhang Zhou, and after seeing Zhang Zhou drawing frustrated circles on his paper, Gu recovered a little bit of his confidence.

At least there was someone else in the dorm who was just as normal as he was.

What's even more infuriating is that Qiao Ze learned all this by himself - isn't that aggravating?!


"Zhang Zhou, I'm starting to suspect that our new classmate is a robot. Damn, he solved those two problems with a quick glance, and I mean instantly! Didn't even need to think. He could point out solutions on the fly! I'm really starting to doubt whether my IQ is problematic. At least you don't know either!"

Gu Zhengliang, having found an excuse to buy drinks, managed to get Zhang Zhou out of the dormitory, and as soon as they stepped out of the door, he couldn't help but complain.

"Go away... Are you even human? You've been hit by Qiao Ze and now are scavenging confidence from me?" Zhang Zhou grumbled.

Obviously, he wasn't in the best of moods either.

"Heh... at least we have a good mentality. I think when Chen Yiwen finds out about this new classmate, he's going to lose it."

"Cut it, don't talk about Chen. At least Chen's grades are better than ours."

"I'm confident that I could catch up with Chen's grades, but looking at Qiao Ze now, I just feel despair! The guy should've gone to Yanbei School of Mathematics. Why did he come to our school and mess with our minds?"

"I know, right? I reckon even if he went to Yanbei School of Mathematics, they couldn't bear his monstrous ability! No way, it can't just be us freaking out, I need to give Su Mucheng a heads up."

Saying that, Zhang Zhou pulled out his phone, quickly found the dedicated class representative group chat, and sent a rapid message: "@Cheng, you've got competition. I'm telling you, the new student is mind-blowingly awesome. I think your top spot in the professional courses is at risk."

This message promptly caused a cartoon girl's avatar to pop up, replying briefly with a "?".

At this time, Gu Zhengliang also took out his phone and began to chime in on WeChat: "High school senior, already self-taught almost all of the freshman specialized courses, his understanding of mathematical analysis blows me and Zhang Zhou out of the water. I just asked him about the last two advanced problems from Chapter 3 of 'Lu Zhou's Fifty Lectures on Real Functions' and he instantly gave me the approaches for both. The total time used was less than a minute. If there's a single lie in what I said, Zhang Zhou and I will perform eating dung while standing on our heads for everyone."

Zhang Zhou: "Get lost! If you want to eat that stuff, don't drag me into it, I'm on a diet! But what Gu said is true, I've already started to feel inferior!"

Gu Zhengliang: "Inferiority +10001."


Su Mucheng had yet to reply when their conversation managed to blast instructor Liu Hao out of his silence.

"@Lu Zhou @Gu, you two aren't joking, are you?"

Zhang Zhou replied promptly, "Instructor, who's in the mood for jokes? Gu and I were just discussing that when Chen Yiwen comes back, he's probably going to lose it. He's already working so hard to catch up with Su Mucheng, and now you've thrown in a guy with a higher rank, and he's even a junior from high school. I'm afraid this might be the death of Chen!"

Liu Hao: "!"

Su Mucheng: "@Lu Zhou, class president, please try to avoid ambiguity when talking in the small group chat, thanks."

Zhang Zhou: "Haha! (touches head)"


In the girls' dormitory less than two hundred meters away from the Yanbei Mathematics Institute's male dorm, Su Mucheng pressed the pause button on her laptop's media player and picked up her phone to check WeChat.

She was revisiting a classic old movie that had been remade in the United States, adapted from Agatha Christie's best-selling detective novel "And Then There Were None." She admired the sagacious old judge in the movie who arranged everything meticulously.

Well, from childhood, Su Mucheng's interests seemed a bit different from those of other girls.

For instance, while little girls enjoyed chasing celebrities, she liked "star-chasing" too, but her "star-chasing" was about intelligence, not looks.

Especially after once being dragged by her mother to watch a variety show where she discovered that the young heartthrob stars couldn't even solve a simple system of linear equations, she lost all interest in any celebrity variety shows from then on.

On a certain short video app, a young associate professor from the Yanbei University had shot to fame for a while.

To be honest, from the average person's perspective, the associate professor's looks were indeed a bit lacking. And he didn't seem particularly bright, but his resume was truly astonishing. Being directly admitted to Yanbei was basic, and as an undergraduate at the Yanbei Mathematics Institute, he swept every math competition with grand slams.

Because of this, Su Mucheng developed a crazy infatuation for mathematics.

During the summer vacation of her sophomore year in high school, she made a special trip to the Capital. She didn't visit the Great Wall or the Forbidden City but instead sneaked into the Yanbei University Campus for several days in a row. She had heard that the professors at the Yanbei International Mathematics Center usually didn't take summer vacations; they were all working on research.

So she wished for a serendipitous encounter with that professor she tremendously admired.

Regrettably, she didn't succeed.

In high school, as a delicate and pretty girl from Jiangnan with fairly good grades, she naturally didn't lack handsome young boys confessing their feelings to her as they came of age.

But Su Mucheng felt indifferent and happened to have a slight crush only on the top boy in the grade, even though he was a little chubby like Zhang Zhou. His face also had many red pimples.

All in all, it demonstrated one thing.

Su Mucheng was a typical sufferer of sapiosexual attraction.

But she didn't care and actually relished the feeling of admiring intelligence.

After all, looks rapidly depreciate with age, but what intelligence leaves behind might be eternal.

So at this moment, Su Mucheng was genuinely captivated by what Zhang Zhou and Gu Zhengliang had said on WeChat.

Was the new student who suddenly joined the class really that strong?

Driven by overflowing curiosity, Su Mucheng opened the private chat with Lu Zhou: "Class president, is the new student really as amazing as you guys said?"