In fact, Li Jiangao had truly come to terms with it now and didn't care anymore.
He became an academician, and as long as he stayed true to his original aspiration and sought more resources for the undergraduates at the school, it was good.
As long as power could be used for good, who cared who became an academician.
There would always be gossip, but one would get used to it. In any case, those people probably could only talk behind his back.
Qiao Ze threw a bit of a tantrum, causing many in the academic community to be on tenterhooks. If these people dared to speak ill of him to his face, he would even respectfully give a thumbs-up and commend them by saying, "Brother, you are a real man."
At this time, Li Jiangao could be described as carefree as a cloud, wild as a crane.