Chapter 257 Xilin University of Technology Officially Takes Off_3

From what I know, Qiao Class will mainly teach content related to Qiao's Algebraic Geometry, which is one of the most advanced topics in mathematics and the person who knows the theory most deeply is at Xilin University of Technology.

Ze Class will focus on the mathematical foundation of artificial intelligence, and aside from Dou Dou, can you find another AI capable of acting as the class headteacher? And you think that my wanting to write recommendation letters for some students is a sign of a lack of confidence?

As a reporter, you can ask anything you want, and even through editing, you can just pick the content you need to promote to the public. Unfortunately, mathematics cannot be edited, we only speak logic. A set of theories lacking any theorem could render the whole worthless. Do you understand? That is the difference between us."

This interview with Roth Dugan, once made public, spread back to the domestic scene at lightning speed.