For instance, a non-metallic material used to make heart pacemakers even supports the direct use of glucose as a fuel for sustained energy, which means that once implanted, this device could provide perpetual power. It would only need to be implanted once, as the glucose in cells could directly fuel it, eliminating the need for battery replacements...
This kind of thing is probably an absolute necessity.
With the world at peace and human lifespans increasing, there is an annual demand for millions of pacemakers globally. With such a material, what was once a fiercely competitive industry has now turned into a vast blue ocean.
Any company that secures the qualification would have to be out of their mind not to quickly expand their production line and make a fortune before this material becomes widely used.
Add to that the rumored new optical materials that could be used on screens, even supporting 3D displays, and new semiconductor materials currently under calculation...