Chapter 67 Fairy and Friends

The Fangting City First Social Welfare Institute is located in the Lixing District and is one of the only two large welfare institutions in the city.

Many children who have lost their parents in accidents and have no one to care for them, or elderly people who are left uncared for in their old age, are, with their consent, taken in by the city government and brought here to receive relatively comprehensive care.

The welfare institute occupies a large area, with nearly 3000 beds and more than 400 staff members, providing relatively privileged medical conditions sufficient to rehabilitate every disabled elderly person and child.

Bai Jingxuan had lived here for three years.

In those three years, she had grown from a confused child to one who could understand reason. Most other children in the welfare institute came and went, being adopted after a brief stay and entering a new family, while she alone was left behind, like an inferior product left over in a vegetable market.