Chapter 84: Anger (5k)_3

Her hasty response under pressure had led to even greater risks, for the Remnant Beast's reaction speed was faster. Almost at the same moment she chose to use her magic armor to protect Lin Xiaolu, it had lunged forward, a claw striking Xia Liang squarely.

As a budding Magical Girl, Xia Liang had not mastered Spell Techniques, and naturally, she was unable to deploy any barriers when the beast got close. She took the full brunt of the attack head-on.

"Xia Liang!"

Lin Xiaolu called out in shock and anger.

Her shouting was of no use and couldn't halt the Remnant Beast's advance. She could only watch as Xia Liang, struck by the beast, was sent flying like a sandbag and crashed heavily against a nearby wall.

The Remnant Beast turned its gaze toward Lin Xiaolu.

After dealing with the biggest threat among the two, it knew, even with its intelligence greatly diminished from its human state, that it was time to end the battle.