Chapter 23 Open Source

After adjusting his mindset, Chen Mu washed up and prepared a meal.

Wheat rice, roasted wild rabbit, and a platter of wild fruits from the forest.

This was the first time he had prepared a meal with care since returning to Chen Family Village.

For the past few days, he had been in a daze, spending his days throwing stones in the forest to practice the Flying Locust Stone.

This skill gave him a sense of security.

The grasses, trees, insects, and snakes in the forest had brought him no small trouble.

He brought up the grey wall.

Writing: 1445/10000/Second Rank;

Drawing: 1353/10000/Second Rank;

Throwing: 4623/10000/Second Rank;

Red Falcon Shape Cultivation Technique: 216/10000/Second Rank;

Cooking: 2642/10000/First Rank;

He had been slightly negligent in his Shape Cultivation Technique, gaining only about thirty experience a day.

Instead, his throwing skill had advanced by more than half.

His throwing technique had become more exquisite, and his mind was filled with numerous methods for making unique hidden weapons.

Chen Mu couldn't help but reflect.

When he killed Sheng Hong, there was a stone that went straight for the other's forehead.

Sheng Hong's forehead was cut open, his face covered in blood, but the bones were not broken.

"Once Shape Cultivation reaches the Bone Transformation Realm, the bones become hard, and ordinary stones might not be able to damage them even if they shatter."

"In a couple of days when I return to town, I'll have a batch of special hidden weapons made."


Three days later, Chen Mu had no choice but to return to Qingshan County Town.

He needed to go to the Qingshan County Government Office to draw wanted posters.

On his way back to town, Chen Mu appeared calm on the surface but was quite nervous inside.

He was afraid that a group of Government Officials would jump out of a corner and tie him up tightly.

But in reality, nothing happened.

Sheng Hong's disappearance was silent and unnoticed; no one cared.

Even when Chen Mu left the County Government Office, no one troubled him.

He even went out of his way to probe indirectly, inquiring about major events in the county.

Besides the Zuo Family experiencing some evil spirits, resulting in the young master of the Zuo Family displaying great valor by cutting them down, there was nothing fresh to report.

"Calm seas and gentle winds are good," Chen Mu reassured himself and headed home.

On the way, he also stopped by the blacksmith shop and ordered a bag of Iron Lotus Seeds. He planned to upgrade his Flying Locust Stone.


After cautiously investigating for a few more days and confirming that indeed no one had discovered Sheng Hong's death, Chen Mu finally felt completely at ease.

As days passed by day after day, the weather grew colder.

People on the street wrapped themselves up as if they were zongzi (rice dumplings).

Chen Mu also discovered another benefit of Shape Cultivation—resistance to cold.

After completing the Muscle Transformation, it seemed as though a special kind of tissue had formed under his skin, not only improving his defense but also enhancing his tolerance to temperature.

He could feel the cold, but he wasn't afraid of it.

However, to blend in, Chen Mu still wrapped himself up like a zongzi.

East Market grain store.

Chen Mu left carrying a bag of wheat.

"Six copper coins per jin, that's doubled in price, right?"

The chaotic situation in the heart of Da Liang had finally affected this small border town.

He had already started to consciously stockpile grain.

He also stopped by Zheng Tu's place and, sure enough, the price of meat had gone up.

Not only had the price increased, but there had also been several shortages throughout the month.

"Qingshan County won't start having troubles too, right?" Chen Mu worried.


As time went on, the weather became colder and colder.

The flow of people on the streets visibly decreased.

News of disorder from various places in Da Liang made this little town even quieter. Everyone was staying in and no longer going out.

The whole town seemed calm, but beneath the surface, there seemed to be an undercurrent surging.

Chen Mu sat at the square table, slowly counting the silver and copper coins in his hand.

"Ninety-seven silver taels, four hundred and thirty-five copper coins."

Just taking medicine, eating meat, and practicing martial arts each month would cost at least sixty taels.

Without reducing the intensity of his training, he could sustain himself at most for another month and a half.

Chen Mu's expression turned ugly.

For the entire month of February, he hadn't received a single portrait commission.

The owner of the Marvelous Painting Pavilion, Boss Zhen, had gone to Nanyang Prefecture City and hadn't come back ever since.

With no more portrait business, Chen Mu's life immediately took a sharp downturn.

Portrait painting thrived on the foundation of a peaceful and stable environment.

The chaos of troubled times inevitably affected the painting and calligraphy industry.

"I need to find a way to increase income," he mused.

It wasn't that he didn't want to cut back, but there really was no way to do so.

Quick progress in the Shape Cultivation Technique required the aid of secret medicines.

He had also considered not asking Jie Jia to run errands and make purchases on his behalf.

Twenty silver taels a trip, he felt pained every time he saw the old man.

But now, with the official roads blocked by bandits, the pharmacies were missing most of their ingredients.

Besides Jie Jia's channels, he had nowhere else to buy medicines.

"Or, should I sell the manual?" Chen Mu looked up at the portrait hanging on the wall. It detailed the Red Falcon Shape Cultivation Technique.

He was somewhat reluctant, as he had always wanted to keep the technique to himself.

But considering that Sheng Hong must have taught it to countless others, he wasn't truly in possession of it alone.

Moreover, even if others learned it, without the add-on of proficiency, none could practice it faster or better than him.

With this thought, he felt somewhat relieved.

Trading it for a large sum of silver would indeed allow him to practice even better and faster!

"It's decided, I'll find an opportunity to sell this thing for money!"


At the end of February, evening time.

Chen Mu had prepared a full table of food at home.

It wasn't long before Jie Jia appeared, as if by magic, just like always.

Even with Chen Mu's current status at the Muscle Transformation Realm, he could only barely make out the other's figure.

This old man might even be at the Marrow Transformation Realm, a true master of the highest order.

"Old Jie, care to join me for a meal?" Chen Mu invited warmly.

Jie Jia scrutinized the dishes carefully, his eyes moving around, then fixed on Chen Mu, "Speak."

"Speak what?" Chen Mu played dumb.

"The payment for the goods," Jie Jia said flatly, throwing down the bag of medicines.

If he wouldn't say it, that was that.

Chen Mu gave a sheepish grin; the old man was as blunt and straightforward as ever.

"I'm looking to sell a Shape Cultivation Technique. Do you have a channel?" Chen Mu didn't bother hiding it.

Indeed, Chen Mu had his sights set on Jie Jia.

The man was a secretive assassin with unique channels.

"Twenty percent," Jie Jia stated blandly.

"What do you mean?" Chen Mu was confused.

Then it dawned on him, was he asking for a twenty percent cut as payment?!

The greedy old man!

"Fine!" Chen Mu said almost through clenched teeth.

The Shape Cultivation Technique was powerful; ordinary people couldn't afford it, and without a channel, it was indeed hard to sell!

"Tomorrow evening, Ghost Market," Jie Jia said with a satisfied nod.

This old man actually knew about the Ghost Market; he really did have connections!

Having lived in Qingshan County for half a year, Chen Mu had heard plenty of rumors and bits of gossip.

The Ghost Market was one of them.

It was said that one could buy anything there, and they dared to sell anything!

"Hurry up and give me the payment; I'll go smooth things out for you at the Ghost Market," Jie Jia urged.

"Alright," Chen Mu said, his face lighting up with joy.

Selling the Shape Cultivation Technique would replenish a tremendous amount of his resources, allowing him to cultivate peacefully for a long time.

Just as he was about to hand over the silver, he suddenly felt something was off.

Asking for the payment in such a hurry?

Chen Mu looked at the bags of medicinal herbs and then at Jie Jia, who seemed completely at ease.

Approaching, he opened the bags and started checking them one by one.

After a long while, Chen Mu pulled out a handful of herbs from the bottom of a bag and compared them carefully with those on top.

They looked almost identical but...

Chen Mu sighed, looking helplessly at Jie Jia.

Lucky for me, I had been bored recently and read a few medical books, picking up some alchemy skills. Otherwise, you really would have pulled the wool over my eyes!

Your counterfeiting technique has even improved, hasn't it?!

"Damn fake drug peddler," Jie Jia said coolly, a flicker of disappointment in his eyes.

Chen Mu glared at Jie Jia.

If anyone else said that, they'd be criticizing the drug peddler for selling fakes.

But when Jie Jia said it, damn, he was lamenting that the drug peddler's fakes weren't fake enough!